Get Your Mojo On - Sequel to 100 Everyday Slang Words from Inhale to Pinky
This article is a sequel to the recently posted article 100 Everyday Slang Words to Ace English from Airhead to Icky. So how is that slang of yours coming? Have you tried to use a few new slang words? Well, as promised, here is another group of 100 words just in case you are itching for more words to add to your ESL vocabulary in every day conversation. And there will be one sequel to this article with another group of 100 slang words posted soon. So what are you waiting for? Get inspired. With motivation, interest, and diligence you’ll have some slang words in the bag in a jiff.
In the bag: certain to achieve it – Example: The interview went well and I feel that the job is in the bag.
In the know: to know something only a few people are aware of – Example: I had worked for my boss for over 10 years and I was always in the know of company business.
In-your-face: provocative, aggressive, confrontational – Example: The sales manager was in-my-face about making so many sales this month.
Info: short for information – Example: The meeting covered all of the info for the new employer
Inhale: to eat – Example: The secretary needed to inhale her food quickly as she was called into the meeting to take notes for her boss.
Intro: short for introduction – Example: After the intro, the speaker shared some new marketing techniques.
Itch: a strong desire to do something – Example: My uncle had an itch to go back to school and get an advanced degree.
Item: a couple – Example: His brother and my sister are an item; they have been dating for about 2 years.
Jam: a difficult situation – Example: I was in a jam today. I had to meet with clients in the evening and the babysitter just called and said she could not come.
Jerk: a stupid person – Example: The delivery boy as a jerk; he would not wrap up the paper when it was raining so it got wet when he tossed it on the driveway.
Jet set: a class of rich, fashionable people with travel for pleasure; to travel for pleasure while being very rich – Example: The Hollywood stars like to jet set to various islands in the winter months.
Jiff/Jiffy: a short time; a moment – Example: I told my wife that I would finish the project in a jiffy
Jitters/Jittery: nervousness; anxiety; very nervous – Example: Most people have the jitters before giving an oral presentation.
Joint: a place where people can eat and drink or be entertained; a prison or jail – Example(s): We stopped at the joint around the corner after work; it was a small restaurant with live entertainment. The petty thief was sentenced to 6 months in the joint.
Joke: a person or thing that’s ridiculous and doesn’t deserve respect – Example: Even though the yearly project was said to assess our strengths as employees, it was such a joke.
Jollies: fun; thrills; enjoyment – Example: He got his jollies out of watching old cartoons on television.
Josh: to tease someone in a friendly way – Example: My aunt loved to josh around and she always made everyone laugh.
Juice: energy; power – Example: I needed a little juice this morning before the big meeting; I wanted to look energetic.
Jumpy: anxious; uneasy; on edge – Example: The puppy seemed jumpy in its new home.

Kick/kicks: excellent; fun – Example: I think my mother gets her kicks from playing cards on Friday nights with her friends.
Killer: excellent; awesome; outstanding – Example: It was a killer performance; the actor really did a great job!
Klutz: a clumsy or foolish person – Example: My little sister is such a klutz; she dropped her new computer.
Knock: to criticize someone – Example: My older brother was always knocking me on how I played soccer.
Knock off: to finish work for a day or to complete a project/activity, etc. – Example: I knocked off everything on my “to do” list and I couldn’t wait for the weekend.
Knock-out: a very attractive or impressive person and thing – Example: That movie star is such a knock-out.
Lab: short for laboratory – Example: It was important to get her blood done at the lab prior to the physical.
Laid-back: easy-going; relaxed – Example: I am glad that my boss is so laid-back. It makes work so much more pleasant
Lame: bad; weak; of poor quality – Example: It was such a lame excuse for not volunteering.
Later: a form of good-bye – Example: “Later”, he said when the phone was hung up. I would have to wait to see him.
Legit: legal; following the rules – Example: It was legit. He really did win the prize money.
Lick: defeat; to beat an opposing player/team – Example: At the company party, the sales department licked the marketing department in a game of volleyball.
Limo: a limousine – Example: The limo was hired for the wedding party.
Lingo: dialect; language – Example: The business lingo was reviewed at the meeting.
Lip: cheeky or disrespectful speech – Example: The teenage son often gave lip to his mother; but she hoped that behavior would soon stop.
Loaded: wealthy, rich; drunk – Example(s): The CEO was loaded and he generously gave to various charities. The young man was loaded after cheering on his favorite football team.
Loads: plenty; lots – Example: There was loads of work to do so I needed to get to work early.
Loco: crazy; insane – Example: I wondered if he was a little loco when he kept repeated those demands.
Loner: someone who likes being alone – Example: Although my neighbor was a loner, she could carry on a very interesting conversation.
Loony: crazy or silly – Example: The grandparents were loony and needed constant reminders to remember where they put items around the house.
Loot: stolen money or goods – Example: The robbers took the loot and hid it before being caught by the police.
Loud mouth: someone who talks too much and too loudly – Example: Her father is such a loud mouth. He never shuts up! He even talks in his sleep.
Louse: an unpleasant or nasty person – Example: The father is such a louse that he seldom spends time with his family.
Lousy: very bad quality – Example: The product line was lousy; there were so many complaints.
Mag: short for magazine – Example: I picked up a new mag while waiting for the train.
Make tracks: to leave from somewhere; usually to go home – Example: I better make tracks; I have an early engagement tomorrow.
Make waves: to cause trouble – Example: The new employee was constantly making waves. He should be careful because he is on probation.
Max: at the most; short for maximum – Example: The max allowed in the elevator was 15 people.
Max out: to reach the maximum limit – Example: She maxed out her credit cards during the department sale.
Measly: a small amount – Example: The raise amounted to a measly amount.
Mega: very big/extremely – Example: It as a mega hall and the acoustics for the band worked out great.
Meltdown: a disastrous collapse, especially of the market or economy – Example: My little brother had a major meltdown when mom would not buy him some candy at the store.
Memo: a written message or note – Example: The memo talked about casual dress on Fridays.
Mess up: to make a mistake/mishandle a situation – Example: I asked for the directions again as I did not want to mess up on the job.
Mickey Mouse: low quality; amateurish; unprofessional – Example: The decorations looked so Mickey Mouse; I wanted to change the selections.
Mojo: spirit; passion; zest – Example: The company mojo is really upbeat
.Moola/Moolah: money – Example: The stock broker was quite successful and the moola that was made on commissions just kept coming in each month.
Muck up: to ruin something or to do something badly – Example: The secretary mucked up on the report and needed to start over.
Mug: to rob someone in a public place – Example: That part of town has a report of someone getting mugged in broad daylight.
Nab: to catch someone doing something wrong – Example: The police will nab the criminal and bring him to trial.
Nail: to do something perfectly – Example: The speaker nailed the presentation and he was give the start-up funds for his business.
Nest egg: money saved for the future or for retirement – Example: Many retired people take a part-time job so they don’t need to tap into their nest egg until later in their lives.
Nippy: cold; chilly – Example: Even though it was spring, the air was quite nippy.
Nix: to cancel from happening – Example: The plans were nixed; there would be no holiday party this year.
No sweat: no problem – Example: The boss asked me to stay and work overtime. I replied, “No sweat.” (I was glad to get the extra money.)
No way: impossible – Example: No way was the company expansion going to work as planned.
No brainer: an easy question – Example: It was a no brainer for the employees to commit to the wellness plan.
No-no: something that must not be done – Example: The television add said it was a no-no to mix driving and texting.
Nod off: to fall asleep unintentionally – Example: The meeting was not too interesting and most people were nodding off throughout the meeting.
Noggin: a person’s head – Example: The soccer player bumped his noggin on the ground when he was tripped.
Nope: variant of no – Example: Nope, it was not a profitable year.
Nut: crazy; a strange person – Example: He thought it was a good idea to watch a soap opera at work; what a nut!
Nuts: crazy; insane – Example: It was apparent that the owner went nuts when he painted all of the rooms a dark color.
Odd ball: a strange or eccentric person; strange; weird – Example: He was never picked for the team until last as people viewed him as an odd ball.
Off the hook: no longer obliged to do something – Example: Since Mary volunteered for the committee, I was off the hook and did not need to commit at this time.
Off the wall: eccentric; extreme – Example: Some of the ideas at the meeting were really off the wall. But those ideas helped foster other ideas.
Offbeat: unconventional; not typical; strange – Example: He decorated his cubicle in such an offbeat way that many other employees tried to copy his style.
Old hat: old-fashioned; uninteresting; overly-familiar – Example: It was old hat to have the same fund raisers so this year we explored other options.
Old school: from a previous time period and usually highly regarded – Example: His disciplinary methods were old school
Old-timer: an old person – Example: The President of the Board of Directors was an old-timer; he had served five terms.
Oldie: an old song, film, television show enjoyed by many – Example: That television show is an oldie; it is in black and white.
On fire: to do something well – Example: The new administrator as on fire; he organized some new activities that everyone seemed to enjoy.
On the blink: not working – Example: The television was on the blink and I needed to call for repairs.
On the level: honest; truthful – Example: The Personnel Manager was on the level and told the employees about the new pay schedule.
On the mend: getting better as in an injury or illness – Example: It would be a while since the business manager returned to work; he as on the mend from that car accident.
On the road: facing difficulty – Example: It seems that the parent company is on the road with those new building permits and the increased tax structure.
Once-over: a quick inspection or search – Example: Before purchasing the products, he did a once-over just to make sure he didn’t miss anything.
Oodles: lots of; a great number or amount of something – Example: There were oodles of ways the company could cut back to increase profits.
Oomph: power or force – Example: The coach told the players to put more oomph behind their play.
Oops: something said after making a small mistake or having a small accident – Example: “Oops!” she shouted when hot coffee was spilled.
Out/out of it: not in fashion; not trendy – Example: Although it was a formal interview, the possible recruit wore a paisley tie and striped pants. He dressed so out of it.
Pack-it-in: to quit; to stop what you are doing. – Example: After working for thirty-five years as a sales director, he decided to pack-it-in and retire.
Peanuts: very little money – Example: Even though my aunt worked at the same company her whole life and she was not a supervisor, her salary was still peanuts.
Perk: extra benefit that comes with the job or position, etc. – Example: One perk that the employees received included free tuition at the local college.
Phony: not real; genuine – Example: His character was phony; most people knew not to believe what he said.
Pickle: trouble; difficult situation – Example: It seemed that the company was in a pickle. They needed to expand to get a larger part of the market. And they needed to retain their small town friendliness to keep their present customer base.
Pinkie/Pinky: little finger – Example: It was necessary to use her pinkie to type the “add” sign on the computer.

Whew! That’s another 100 slang words. I know what you’re thinking. There are oodles of words and you just might not have the time to learn them all, much less find the time to read through this article. That’s fine. Make a plan that fits for you. Study one word a day or have a goal of using so many words a day. Whatever works. It’s a no brainer… your level of motivation, interest, and diligence all play a role in the progress toward your ESL goals and in meeting language success. Here’s hoping this article gives you the oomph to get moving.
Use the comments section below to tell me about some English slang words. I’ll be watching for your response and will reply back to any comments. And if I can help you in any way to study English, let me know. Later…